"Sic" in legal writing – a seemingly innocuous two-letter word that carries immense significance in the realm of precision and accuracy. In this article, I'll take you on a journey into the world of "sic" in legal writing, demystify its usage, provide real-life examples to illustrate its application, and explore the reasons why it's a crucial tool for legal professionals.


Understanding "Sic" in Legal Writing


"Sic" is a Latin term that means "thus" or "so." In legal writing, it is used to indicate that a word or phrase has been quoted verbatim from the original source, including any errors or discrepancies present in that source. "Sic" is often placed in square brackets immediately following the erroneous word or phrase.


Why "Sic" Matters in Legal Writing


The use of "sic" serves several vital purposes in the field of legal writing:


·        Preservation of Accuracy: Legal documents often involve references to statutes, regulations, case law, contracts, and other sources. "Sic" ensures that these references are faithfully reproduced, even if the original text contains errors or inconsistencies.


·        Citation Integrity: By indicating that an error is present in the original source, "sic" upholds the integrity of the citation. It acknowledges that the discrepancy is not an error in the legal document but rather in the source being quoted.


·        Legal Precedence: "Sic" is essential when quoting legal decisions, which must be reproduced precisely as they were originally written. This adherence to precedent is fundamental to the legal system.


·        Transparency: "Sic" provides transparency to the reader, indicating that the error is not a typographical mistake in the legal document but a faithful reproduction of the source text.



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·        What is Legal Writing?

·        IRAC Legal Writing: What it's All About

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Real-Life Examples of "Sic" in Legal Writing


To illustrate the application of "sic" in legal writing, let's explore some real-life examples:


Example 1: Quoting a Statute


Original Text: "The applicant shall have the right to appeal the judges' decision within 30 day's [sic] of receipt."

In this case, "sic" is used to indicate that the error "day's" (with an apostrophe) is present in the original source. The legal writer faithfully reproduces the error while quoting the statute.


Example 2: Quoting a Court Decision


Original Text: "The court's ruling was final and could not be appealed, accept [sic] under extraordinary circumstances."

Here, "sic" signifies that the original source used "accept" instead of "except." The legal writer includes "sic" to show that the error is in the source text.


Example 3: Quoting a Contract


Original Text: "The parties agree that the agreement shall remain in effect for a period of five (5) year's [sic]."

In this instance, "sic" is used to indicate that the original source incorrectly added an apostrophe to "years." The legal writer preserves this error in the quotation.


"Sic" in Action


The use of "sic" extends to various legal documents, including legal memoranda, court briefs, contracts, and citations. Let's consider how "sic" is applied in a legal memorandum addressing a complex issue.


Issue: Did the defendant's contract explicitly state that they had "full and complete control" [sic] over the property?


Rule: Under contract law, the specific terms and language used in a contract are critical in determining the parties' obligations and rights.


Application: In this case, the defendant's contract indeed contained the phrase "full and complete control [sic]" over the property. It is crucial to quote this language verbatim to accurately represent the contractual terms.


Conclusion: Based on the analysis, it is clear that the defendant's contract explicitly stated that they had "full and complete control [sic]" over the property. The use of "sic" indicates that the quoted phrase includes an error present in the original contract.


The Importance of Mastery


Using "sic" in legal writing requires meticulous attention to detail. Legal professionals must not only recognize errors but also employ "sic" accurately to convey the presence of those errors. Mastery of this tool is vital to ensure that legal documents maintain their precision and adherence to source material.


In my journey, I've learned that the effectiveness of "sic" lies not only in its application but also in its restraint. While it is used to indicate errors, overuse or misuse of "sic" can detract from the clarity and readability of legal documents. Striking the right balance is an art that comes with experience and a keen eye for detail.


Conclusion: Embracing the Precision of "Sic" in Legal Writing


"Sic" in legal writing is more than a linguistic quirk; it's a mark of precision and integrity. It allows legal professionals to faithfully reproduce source material, errors and all, ensuring accuracy and transparency in legal documents.


As I continue my journey in the world of legal writing, I've come to appreciate the importance of "sic" as a tool that upholds the principles of accuracy and citation integrity. It's a small word with a significant impact, preserving the nuances and imperfections of the source text while conveying the meticulous nature of the legal profession. "Sic" is not just a mark; it's a testament to the unwavering commitment to precision in the world of law.